PropertyAccessor requires a graph of objects or arrays to operate on, but it found type "string" while trying to traverse path "name" at property "name".

Author: hou Publish Time: 2023.10.29 09:41:51

PropertyAccessor requires a graph of objects or arrays to operate on, but it found type "string" while trying to traverse path "name" at property "name".


php.CRITICAL: Uncaught Exception: PropertyAccessor requires a graph of objects or arrays to operate on, but it found type "integer" while trying to traverse path "name" at property "name". {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\PropertyAccess\\Exception\\UnexpectedTypeException(code: 0): PropertyAccessor requires a graph of objects or arrays to operate on, but it found type \"integer\" while trying to traverse path \"name\" at property \"name\". at /var/www/html/"} []


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